Andrew Ashall | Data Engineer

AZ Feedback App

JavaScript - 16th August 2017

Voice controlled feedback tool to showcase the possible uses of voice technology in the workplace for an internal event at AstraZeneca. I created the architecture, designed the UI and developed the full stack including an action package for Google Actions and a user agent in which interacts with a React front end to guide users.

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Personote - Free and Open Source Notebook Web App

JavaScript - 6th July 2017

Personote is a free and open source cloud based notebook web app with a focus on speed and simplicity. I created personote out of my frustration with existing web based notebooks as I found the ones I tested all felt slow and clunky, so I created an app to do exactly what I wanted.

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Mlog - Meeting Action Tracker App

JavaScript - 21st June 2017

Mlog is a collaborative meeting action, risk, decision and info tracker web app with a Google Home voice UI, created as a concept for smart meeting rooms. Check out the web app here and the voice UI github repo.

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Haskell - Get Reddit Posts

Haskell - 14th May 2017

Created as a simple starter project to learn Haskell. My goal was to create a command line app that fetches hot posts from a chosen subreddit and prints the top 10 to the console. I chose this as I could quickly create the functionality I wanted using Node.js then try and recreate it using Haskell.

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Full-Stack React Boilerplate

JavaScript - 25th March 2017

This is the boilerplate I use for all of my new Full-Stack projects. It contains all the packages, initial set up and necessary files and structure to get up and running as fast as possible. Checkout the source code on Github.

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